Saturday, August 6, 2011

Busy With My Regular Busy Life

Thanks for stopping by to read what I have to say, even though it's often not very much. The problem (if you can call being alive and busy, a problem) is that I often don't have much time to sit in front of my computer to type the words you find here. That's because I'm occupied most days with building and maintaining websites and helping people out by providing internet access, and questions about internet access, to them.

I do this for a small, family-owned and operated, company, so, even though I'm semi-retired, I find my activities are still involved, sometimes too-much-so, in things that keep me busy. I'm responsible for about two dozen websites at present. Some of them take daily attention, others pretty much take care of themselves, with a few minor details attended to from time to time. But, all in all, it's very enjoyable to have something as fun as this to keep me alive and active. 

The main sites that take daily attention, or nearly daily updates, are,,, and

There are a bunch of other sites that don't require as much attention. I'll go into those sites sometime in the future (when I have more time). In the meantime, keep enjoying the internet. It's a super place to find tons of information and entertainment, and a wonderful method to contact and keep abreast of what your friends and relatives are up to, etc.

Keep a smile in your heart.

Magicmedia Internet Solutions 
Morbizco Media and Marketing Group
Morbizco, Inc.